On June 1, 1954, a day was set in place for Americans to honor all Veterans who served time, whether during war, or a time of peace. That day is every November 11 of each year. During that, we thank the heroes who protected us every day and night. They spent time out in harsh conditions, went through grueling training, so that we can be lucky enough to have peace and comfort within our nation. While it may be easy for their efforts to go unnoticed as we don’t really see members of the military out in public, we should still take the time to acknowledge all that they do, even if only for 24 hours. For those unfamiliar with the term, a veteran is someone who has retired from being part of the U.S. armed forces. A respectable position that requires a great deal of courage. Even though not all veterans took part in times of war or any sort of conflict, they still go through the same process as ones that do. All to ensure they have the necessary preparations to keep everyone else, us, safe. By offering their bodies and minds they in turn pay
back all the country has done for them. Or it could serve as a fresh start for some. If they had a rough upbringing, the military has the potential to reshape those who struggled into refined citizens with heightened knowledge and experience. But putting that aside, the real importance is as mentioned, their service. Leaving behind practically everything to enlist is no easy feat. And yet our veterans did it anyway. They knew it was up to them, the brave, to do what others might not be able to. Oddly enough, most don’t necessarily do it for the praise or admiration they might get. Instead, they tend to do it simply because it’s what they want. To them it’s almost like a purpose or goal. That alone is deserving of a bit of respect at the very least. You don’t necessarily have to agree with the military or like what they do, but veterans should still be given the kindness that is owed for their years spent providing security. Whether it’s a veteran that’s been retired for a long time, or a veteran that’s only recently retired, let’s thank them all the same. Something as simple as that may bring them great pride and joy. All we ask is that when November 11 comes, if you happen to see a veteran, give them just a piece of recognition. Recognize their heroic deeds, so that they may never be forgotten and instead stay close to all of our hearts during a time of crisis.