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Halloween is on October 31st; a day where people dress up and go trick or treating. People have many different traditions to celebrate this day.
Security Guard Caesar explained, “My favorite halloween tradition is going to haunted houses with my family.”
Students have different plans for how they are celebrating Halloween this year. Freshman Nadia Tamayo shared, “I’m going to spend my halloween passing out candy and watching scary movies” Tristan Partida also added, “I’m going to dress up and go to a halloween party,” describing his plans for the night.
They also shared their go to Halloween candies. Tamayo said, “…Reese Peanut Butter Cups and Sour Patch.”
“…probably skittles, kit-kats, and airheads,” Caesar shared.
In all, Halloween is a cool and fun holiday filled with candy and friends. Have a fun and safe Halloween Matadores!