On October 16th, La Mirada High School hosted a Hispanic Heritage rally to honor,
celebrate, and learn about the diverse cultures, traditions, and contributions of the Hispanic
community. The event, organized by students and staff members, was made to try to create a
deeper understanding of Hispanic Heritage among the school.
During the rally, people who attended sat down on the bleachers for the duration. It
lasted about an hour and students went to pick up their backpacks right before going to the first
break. This event did a great job at showing hispanic culture. This is especially important to
those who did not know much about it before.
The rally was not only a celebration but also as an informational experience for both
students and staff, encouraging respect and appreciation for cultural diversity. Through
storytelling and performances, participants emphasized the value of embracing different
backgrounds while inspiring others to learn more about Hispanic even outside the event.
The rally helped promote awareness towards the importance of hispanic culture,
heritage, and traditions. Especially due to how impactful hispanic culture has been on california
citizens. Latinos make up the largest percentage of any ethnic group in California at 40%. And It
is important to celebrate hispanic culture and the impact it has made on our state as a whole.
In conclusion hispanic culture and traditions have played a huge role in forming the state
we live in today. You can go all over California and see the impact it has made. Ranging from
traditions to cuisine and architecture. Hispanic culture and heritage has overall played a
ridiculously large role in California and is proudly celebrated by many.