A new law states the F.D.A. has banned red number 3. The dye is used for its vibrant color in food, drinks, and prescription drugs but was found to be cancerous. Red Dye #3 can be found in some candy corn, Nerds, Peeps, Pez, SweeTarts, and hundreds of candies, cakes, and other foods, including dozens of seasonal Halloween items. The new law prohibits any chemicals in products for the benefit of humans and animals health. Since the law is very new to the world it is expected to take effect soon. There are unhealthy snacks and drinks found in stores all around containing the red dye. The decrease in society’s health has made a big impact and it is important for this change to be made in order to live happy and healthy lives. Removing the dye from stores allows people to make better choices with what they consume. In the future there may be potential for increase in health and less cancer cases.