A certificated and classified employee were voted as the August Employees of the Month at La Mirada High School, from the student body. Eric Crowell, teacher, and Gus Sanchez, Lead Custodian were chosen. Crowell has been teaching at La Mirada High School for six years. He currently teaches US History and AP African American Studies. Some of his hobbies and interests include video games, attending sporting events and going to concerts. Something students may not know about him, he is fluent in Spanish. Some comments about Crowell included, “He’s a great teacher, keeps it real and gives us useful information. The class feels safe and a comfortable environment.”
Sanchez was also selected. He has been at La Mirada High School for six years as well. He enjoys sports and collects currency from around the world, as well as baseball cards. He commented that his true passions are, “My kids and my wife.” He proudly shared that his son was recently accepted to USC to complete his Master’s Degree and all covered by a scholarship. A student complimented Sanchez, “He is very nice and friendly and cool and a good person and good janitor and makes sure the school is clean.”
Check back next month for the September Employee of the Month!