Captain America: Brave New World, is the latest installment of the movie from the beloved Marvel studios. It is a new era for Captain America, as Anthony Mackie who plays Sam Wilison takes over the helm as Captain America. Mackie stars alongside Harrison Ford who makes his MCU debut as General Thunderbolt Ross and Giancarlo Esposito who also makes his MCU debut as Seth Volker.
The movie itself is a political thriller, with focus on the corruptness of the government. The movie is also filled with a lot of action and comedy throughout. The comedy is highlighted with Sam Wilisions banter with those around him. Coming in at a 2 hour run time that goes by a lot quicker than you would expect, because of its fast pace.
Now though a beloved franchise in a transition period this movie has faced its backlash. It received a 49% on rotten tomatoes and a 42% on metacritic. But it seems to have its support from the majority of fans as it received an 80% on the popcorn meter, meaning 80% of people enjoyed the movie.
I saw this movie at a 7:00 PM showing last Saturday. I went in with pretty low expectations as Marvel has been in a dry spell for a little while. While definitely not blown away or back to that marvel we all fell in love with and enjoyed. This movie gets the job done, it’s fun and intriguing. Lots of enjoyable action and a step in the right direction. I would give this movie a 6.5/10 and recommend you go see it if you get the chance.