9th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Rachel Kim
Grade: 9th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations: Girls Golf Team
Favorite Class: Language Arts
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. White and Mr. Jones
Hobbies: Playing golf, listening to music
Career Aspiration: Not sure yet
10th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Hannah Odashima
Grade: 10th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations: Youth in Government, Bio Med Club, Early College Program
Favorite Class: BioMed
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Costa
Hobbies: Volunteering, reading
Career Aspiration: General Practictioner
11th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Ryan Diaz
Grade: 11th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations: Hermanos Unidos, Cross Country and Track & Field teams
Favorite Class: Cross Country
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Couvrey
Hobbies: Running, drawing
Career Aspiration: Not sure yet.
11th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Santos Ortega Alvarenga
Grade: 11th
Favorite Class: Drawing
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Crowell
Hobbies: Drawing
Career Aspiration: Not sure yet
12th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Sophia Sauers
Grade: 12th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations: Karate
Favorite Class: Finance
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Grayson
Hobbies: Guitar, music, video games
Career Aspiration: Welding
12th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Juliette Suarez
Grade: 12th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations: Tennis, Water Polo, Swimming, Interact, Girls League
Favorite Class: AP European History
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Cook
Hobbies: Reading, painting
Career Aspiration: Veterinarian
12th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Gavin Dionne
Grade: 12th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations: Football, Jesus Club
Favorite Class: Ceramics
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Cook
Hobbies: Playing guitar
Career Aspiration: Not sure yet.