9th Grade – October Matador of the Month
Name: Itzel Luna
Grade: 9th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations: El Toro Staff, Girls’ League, Volunteer at Church
Favorite Class: Language Arts
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Zurn
Hobbies: Gymnastics, writing and reading
Career Aspiration: Involved in politics or government

10th Grade – October Matador of the Month
Name: Abby Taylor
Grade: 10th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations involved with: Dance Team, Dance competitively with my studio
Favorite Class: Biomedical Science Classes
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. White
Hobbies: Listen to music, Dancing, Drawing

11th Grade – October Matador of the Month
Name: Emily Velasco
Grade: 11th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations involved with: President of Fashion Club, Co-President of Feminist Club, Vice President of MEChA, Marching Band
Favorite Class: Creative Writing
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Costa
Hobbies: Painting, Sewing
Career Aspiration: Elementary School Teacher

12th Grade – October Matador of the Month
Name: Jonathan Martinez
Grade: 12th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations involved with: Art Club, E-Sports Club, President of the Multimedia Club
Favorite Class: Choir
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Montalvo
Hobbies: Acting, Video Games, Video Editing, Lifting weights, Watching movies and tv, art
Career Aspiration: Career in Theater