9th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Mia Gutierrez
Grade: 9th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations: Soccer, The El Toro Newspaper
Favorite Class: Journalism or Art
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Rolon
Hobbies: Cooking, soccer, painting
Career Aspiration: Physical Trainer or Teacher

10th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Tommy Park
Grade: 10th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations involved with: Mata, Interact, Ambassador Club, Red Cross Club, Golf Team, Volunteer at Discovery Cube, Long Beach College Dual Enrollment
Favorite Class: AP Human Geography
Favorite Teacher: Ms. Kwon
Hobbies: Playing golf, playing video games, cooking
Career Aspiration: Professor at UCLA
10th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Julia Avila
Grade: 10th
Favorite Class: Yearbook
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Walker
Hobbies: Doing make-up and playing video games
Career Aspiration: Teacher or social worker
11th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Carly Villalobos
Grade: 11th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations involved with: MeCHA, Feminist Club, Fashion Club
Favorite Class: AP European History and AP Us History
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Uyehara or Mr. Costa
Hobbies: Play volleyball, gardening
Career Aspiration: Veterinarian or go into wildlife conservative
12th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Jirah Domingo
Grade: 12th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations involved with: Matador Scholar Academy, Interact, Varsity Basketball, and Golf
Favorite Class: AP Pyschology
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Browns
Hobbies: Playing video games
Career Aspiration: Major in Computer Science
12th Grade – January Matador of the Month
Name: Jannie Vasquez
Grade: 12th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations involved with: Horror Movie Club and Boba Club
Favorite Class: Art and Spanish
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Norton and Mr. Taylor
Hobbies: Listening to music
Career Aspiration: Esthetician or Nurse