9th Grade – September Matador of the Month
Name: Addison Bragg
Grade: 9th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations: Choir and Guitar Club
Favorite Class: Choir
Favorite Teacher: Mr Jasso
Hobbies: Drawing and writing music
Career Aspiration: Teacher

10th Grade – September Matador of the Month
Name: Mailee Todd
Grade: 10th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations involved with: Cheer, MSA
Favorite Class: Engineering
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Villanueva
Hobbies: Watching movies and playing with my dog
Career Aspiration: Construction Project Manager

10th Grade – September Matador of the Month
Name: Wassem Ibraheem
Grade: 10th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations involved with: Forward in Faith Christian Club, HIMS School, Helping with Christian Festivals
Favorite Class: AP Chemistry
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Grayson
Hobbies: Watching Soccer
Career Aspiration: Neurologist

10th Grade – September Matador of the Month
Name: Annabel Lee
Grade: 10th
Favorite Class: Weight Training
Favorite Teacher: Ms. Kwon
Hobbies: Baking
Career Aspiration: Military Nurse

11th Grade – September Matador of the Month
Name: Jeremy Scott
Grade: 11th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations involved with: Volleyball, Art Club
Favorite Class: Engineering
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Pena and Mrs. Rodriguez
Hobbies: Gaming
Career Aspiration: Engineer

12th Grade – September Matador of the Month
Name: Daphne Santos
Grade: 12th
Clubs/Sports/Organizations involved with: Drum Major in the Marching Band, President of Boba Club, President of EERO (Ethnic and Environmental Responsibility Organization)
Favorite Class: AP Studio Art
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Stearns
Hobbies: Draw, play piano, reading web comics, singing, listening to music
Career Aspiration: Major in Marketing and become a Creative Director